The University of Iowa
College of Education
Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation
Iowa Center for Assistive Technology, Education, and Research
Introduction to Assistive Technology – Online Course

Assignment #6 (25 points)

To gain experience using AT, choose an assistive technology device or software package that you can either borrow, obtain a free download of (see resources page for some options), or view a comprehensive demonstration (see scheduled class demonstrations). Spend some time using the device or software to see how it works and evaluate it based on the following evaluation questions. This device or software package should be different from the one you chose in Assignment #3 or #4.

ICATER Assistive Technology Device/Software Evaluation Form

Device or Software Name:

Device or Software Category:

Device or Software Cost:

Place on AT Continuum and Why?

Who can this device or software benefit and how?

Create a comprehensive list of device or software features and explain how each works:

Describe the interface the user interacts with when using this program, how is this beneficial and what parts of it are confusing?

How does this interface affect people with different disabilities?

Compare device or software to similar products:

What features make this unique from similar products?

What difficulty would someone using this program encounter?

Is this easy to use and how much training is necessary to use this properly?

What changes would you make to the device or software to make it better work for its target population?